Monday, September 14, 2015

Community programs show significant decrease in teen drug use

Between the years 2006 and 2014, Prevention WINS has worked in Eckstein middle school, with the goal of preventing the use of alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana in teens. In the 2008 Washington State healthy youth survey, 10% of 8th grade students said they used alcohol and 5% said they used tobacco. After working with the Prevention WINS coalition, in 2014 the number had dropped to 7% for alcohol and only 1% for tobacco. This is great considering the state average for alcohol is 8% and tobacco is 4%. Meaning that within the time the Prevention WINS coalition was able to work with the students at Eckstein their numbers dropped below the state averages.

On the national scale, with the help of prevention coalitions, alcohol and tobacco use in middle school students has decreased significantly. With both local and national data pointing in the same direction, it is clear prevention coalitions greatly benefit students who would otherwise go unaware of the dangers of drug abuse.  
Eckstein middle school 8th grade alcohol use rates:
2006: 9%                                                                             
2008: 10%                                                                                           
2010: 10%                                                                                           
2012: 11%                                                                                           
2014: 7%
Eckstein middle school 8th grade tobacco use rates:
2008: 5%
2010: 3%
2012: 6%
2014: 1%

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