Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Promoting healthy families

Federal health care reform (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) places significant emphasis on the role of community-based health promotion initiatives.  Community organizations are seen as critical partners for improving community well-being.

To help communities take advantage of these initiatives, RAND Health created a report that provides the content for a community health promotion toolkit. This includes key facts and figures about health topics, handouts for community groups, and web links for resources.  

Section 4 of the report deals with promoting healthy families.  The report states that, "Parenting quality makes a difference for children.  Children with positively engaged parents are more likely to do well in school, are less likely to use drugs or have sex early."

The report goes on to identify ways that community organizations can support positive parenting.  Among them are:
To support NE Seattle families, Prevention WINS is developing a campaign to promote parenting skills to reduce youth substance abuse.  Eckstein Middle School, in partnership with Seattle Children's, hosts series of the Strengthening Family Program.  In partnership with the University Family YMCA, the Eckstein Community Learning Center offers forums for parents to learn about healthy adolescent development.  These are just a few local examples of ways that community organizations can promote healthy families. 

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