Monday, May 13, 2013

New underage drinking prevention campaign provides parents & community with multiple resources

"Talk, they hear you" is a new underage drinking prevention campaign from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).  The campaign provides parents of children ages 9 to 15 with the tools and information they need to start talking with their children early about the dangers of alcohol. SAMHSA provides communities with a suite of materials that helps reinforce the underage drinking prevention campaign’s messages.  Materials include TV, radio, and print PSA's, web banners and buttons that anyone can add to their website, and customizable posters. 

Here is one of the television public service announcements that is available on YoutTube:

Here are two of the print PSA's:

The Parent Resources section includes flyers such as:
Since youth substance use, including alcohol use, is a community problem that requires a community-wide solution, the campaign includes resources for partners.  Partner Toolkit  includes a sample proclamation, sample social media posts, newsletter articles, and talking points. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hadn't seen these resources -- thanks for posting/sharing. I love the fact that everyday experiences can open the door to natural conversations about underage drinking, an opportunity to listen and offer a suggestion or two on ways out of the situation. Conversation may be our most powerful prevention tool (along with listening). --LaDonna