Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Parents pledge to keep kids alcohol-free in their homes

As part of the coalition's community-wide activities to prevent underage drinking, the second edition of Eckstein's Drug Free Homes Parent Pledge & Directory was released today.

Based on parent pledges implemented in other communities (often under the name of "Safe Homes"), parents agree to monitor their children and not allow underage alcohol use in their homes. The resource section provides parents with tips for keeping parties alcohol-free and information about how to recognize signs of alcohol and drug use among youth.

By signing the pledge, parents signal to other parents, children, and the community that they do not think underage drinking is acceptable.

The pledge is not a legally-binding contract -- it's one tool parents can use to prevent underage drinking and drug use. For information about other parenting resources and programs, visit www.PreventionWorksInSeattle.org.

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